How will Glucolife help me on my journey to better health? How do I delay the onset of diabetes?
Glucolife is your guide to keeping a healthy lifestyle to lower your risk of developing prediabetes, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Glucolife helps you understand how your levels of physical activity, diet, bodyweight and blood pressure affect your risk of diabetes by giving you a scientifically derived diabetes risk score, which indicates your risk of developing diabetes. Focus on leading a healthy lifestyle, losing weight and following your doctor’s prescriptions to lower your risk of developing diabetes.
Glucolife helps you understand the importance of leading a good lifestyle with physical activity and a good diet by giving you scientifically derived scores for your physical activity levels and how much fibre you eat.
Your Aktivo Score® looks at how much time you spend sleeping, being sedentary, engaged in light physical activity and exercising every day. The higher your Aktivo Score®, the lower your risk of developing diabetes.
Your Fibre Score looks at how much fibre you eat on a daily basis. Eat more fibre to increase your score and lower your risk of developing diabetes. Browse through our high-fibre recipe book to find dishes that are both delicious and healthy.
Glucolife helps you keep track of your total blood cholesterol, LDL and HDL levels and triglyceride levels, which are important to keep your heart and blood vessels free of disease.
Glucolife helps you keep track of your blood pressure, which is important in reducing your risk for cardiovascular complications that can occur because of prediabetes and diabetes.
Glucolife helps you keep track of your bodyweight. Aim to bring your BMI under 23 kg/m2 to significantly lower your risk of developing diabetes.